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Jean-Sylvain Perrig on the investment committee of Lemania pension hub

The private pension platform strengthens its governance with the addition of SFAA's president and incorporates Performance Watcher.

Dedicated to private pension advisors, the Lemania pension hub platform continues to develop its technological offering with the implementation of an interfacing with Performance Watcher.

After the launch in 2019 of a 100% digital registration process, Lemania pension hub announces the integration of a risk-adjusted performance comparison tool for investment funds, thus enabling neutral and independent governance. This new application allows brokers, financial intermediaries and qualified investors to assess the quality of the products offered on the platform. It is based on both:

  • on a fully digital interfacing with Performance Watcher, a participative wealthtech based in French-speaking Switzerland and

  • on an independent investment commission whose mission will be to manage the OPP2 investment universe and to select the investment funds made available on the platform as of September 4.

The investment committee of Lemania pension hub will be chaired by Jean-Sylvain Perrig, President of the Swiss Association of Financial Analysts (SFAA), Chairman of the Board of AtonRâ Partners and founder of Premyss. He was also Chief Investment Officer at Banque Privée Edmond de Rothschild and UBP. His arrival as Chairman of the Investment Committee will strengthen the governance of the Lemania pension hub.

"I am delighted to be able to join this investment committee, as the values of transparency, quality and control are essential to me. The Performance Watcher tool will help professionalize asset allocation and it is the first time that a platform uses this tool to compare the funds it makes available to its subscribers," says Jean-Sylvain Perrig, Chairman of the Lemania pension hub Investment Committee.

Thanks to this partnership, Performance Watcher is making its performance analysis tools available exclusively and for the first time to the fund management universe and under the constraints of the OPP2.

"Our collaboration with Lemania pension hub allows users of the platform to have a transparent and neutral comparison between the different products offered. This is a first step towards more transparency in the pension fund industry where huge sums of money are managed and impact all employees in Switzerland", says Nicholas Hochstadter, Founder of Performance Watcher.

"Anticipating the digital transition in the private pension field is an issue that the Lemania pension hub platform has managed since its launch in 2018. I am therefore delighted with the collaboration with Performance Watcher, a leading player in performance comparison, and with the arrival of Jean-Sylvain Perrig in the platform's governance," commented Alexandre Michellod, Chairman of the Board of Lemania pension hub.


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